Within a month 61,000 vaccinated for seasonal influenza: Ministry

Within a month 61,000 vaccinated for seasonal influenza: Ministry


Doha: Ministry of Public Health announced that 61,000 people of different age groups have been vaccinated against seasonal influenza within a month since the start of the national vaccination campaign in early October until Monday.

The Ministry of Public Health called on all citizens and residents to take the initiative to receive the seasonal flu vaccine, which is available free of charge in all primary health care centers, as well as in more than 50 hospitals, private health centers and private and semi-governmental clinics, especially with the approaching winter season and a significant drop in temperatures.

Vaccination helps prevent complications from influenza, especially in high-risk populations.

The ministry stressed the importance of parents to vaccinate their children, where statistics of the Ministry indicate that children were the most vulnerable to complications of influenza during the past years.

People who are at high risk for complications of influenza are also advised to ensure access to seasonal influenza vaccine, including people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma, heart and lung disease, kidney and cancer patients, the elderly (over 65 years of age), children between 6 months and 5 years old, pregnant women, and health workers.

The Ministry of Public Health pointed out that the high rates of immunization coverage comes in light of the great efforts exerted by the Ministry and all relevant authorities, whether in the government or private sector to ensure the arrival of vaccinations for the entire population. In addition, there is a high level of awareness among the population of the importance of vaccination and its effectiveness in the prevention of seasonal influenza and their knowledge gained during the past years of its levels of safety.

Vaccination teams in the Ministry of Public Health also carry out several vaccination campaigns for workers in many institutions, authorities, universities, educational institutions, private companies and hotels.

Credit: The peninsula Qatar



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