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Qatar Labour Law Working hours leave overtime holidays

Qatar Labour Law Working hours leave overtime holidays- Here we are discussing various aspects in Qatar labor law about Working hours and leaves like normal working hours, Overtime and salary, weekly leaves annual leave, pilgrim leave, Annual leave, Sick leave and termination on leave
Article 73 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave –Normal working Hours

The maximum ordinary working hours shall be forty-eight hours per week at the rate of eight hours per day with the exception of the month of Ramadan when the maximum working hours shall be thirty-six hours per month at the rate of six hours per day.

The time spent by the worker in transportation to and from the place of work and residence of the worker shall not form part of the working hours. The working hours shall include an interval or more for prayer, rest and taking of meals which interval or intervals shall not be less than one hour and shall not be more than three hours. The said intervals shall not be taken into consideration in calculating the working hours in fixing the rest interval but the worker shall not work for more than five consecutive hours. The Minister shall by a decision specify the types of work in respect of which the work may continue without stoppage for the purpose of rest.

Article 74 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave- Extra time or Over time

The workers may be required to work additional hours to the working hours specified in the preceding article provided that the actual working hours per day shall not exceed ten hours unless the work is necessary for the prevention of gross loss or dangerous accident or for the repair or alleviation of the consequences of the said loss or accident.

The employer shall pay to the worker for the additional working hours the rate of not less than the basic wage plus not less than 25% thereof. The workers who work between 9pm and 6am shall be paid the basic wage plus not less than 50% thereof with the exception of the shift workers.

Article 75 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave- weekly off or leave

The worker shall be allowed of a weekly paid rest which shall not be less than twenty-four consecutive hours and Friday shall be the weekly rest day for all workers with the exception of the shift workers. If the circumstances of the work necessitate the employment of the worker during the rest day the worker shall be compensated for the rest day by another day, and shall be paid for working that day the wage payable to him for the ordinary weekly rest day or his basic wage plus an increase of not less than 150%.

With the exception of shift workers, a worker shall not be required to work more than two consecutive Fridays.

Article 76 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave Provision of Qatar labor law

The provisions of Articles 73, 74 & 75 of this law shall not apply to the persons occupying responsible positions if these positions confer upon the occupiers thereof powers exercisable by the employer over the workers. The provisions of Article 73 shall not apply to the following categories:

  1. The workers carrying out preparatory and complementary works that shall be performed before or after the working time.
  2. Guarding and cleaning workers.
  3. The other categories of workers to be specified by a Decision of the Minister. The maximum working hours for these works shall be specified by a Decision of the Minister.

Article 77 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave responsibility of the employer

The employer shall post up on the main gates used by the workers in entering and in a conspicuous position of the working place a table of the closing or weekly rest day, the working hours and rest intervals for all categories of workers and shall notify the Department with a copy of such table.

Article 78 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave Public Holidays

The worker shall be entitled to annually, leave with a full wage as follows:

  • Three working days for Eid EI-Fitr
  • Three working days for Eid Al-Adha
  • One working day for the Independence day
  • Three working days to be specified by the employer.

If the circumstances of the work require the employment of the worker during any such leave days the provisions of article 75 of this law shall be applied to him.

Article 79 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave Annual Leave or Vacation

The worker who has completed one continuous year in the service of the employer shall be entitled to an annual leave with the pay provided for in Article 72 of this law. This leave shall not be less than three weeks for the worker whose service is less than five years and four weeks for the worker whose service is more than five years.

The worker shall entitle to a leave for the fractions of the year in proportion to the period of his service.

Article 80 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave Taking Annual leave or Vacation

The employer shall fix the date- of the annual leave for the worker in accordance with the work requirements and may divide the leave with the consent of the worker provided that the division shall not be into more than two periods.

The employer may on a written application of the worker postpone not more than half of the annual leave to the year following the year of its entitlement.

Article 81 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave Annual leave salary or Vacation salary

The worker may not waive his entitlement to the annual leave and any agreement to the contrary shall be void.

The worker shall be entitled to payment in lieu of his annual leave equivalent to his wage for the leave days to which he is entitled if the contract is terminated for any reason before the worker takes his leave.

Article 82 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave Sick leave and salary

The worker shall be entitled to a sick leave with pay for every year of the years of his service. This sick leave shall not be granted unless after three months from the commencement of his engagement for the first time provided that the worker proves his sickness by a certificate from a physician approved by the employer.

The worker shall be paid his full wage if the sick leave does not exceed two weeks. If the sick leave extends thereafter the worker shall be paid half of his wage for other four weeks. The extension of the sick leave thereafter shall be without pay until the worker resumes his work or resigns or his service is terminated for health reasons.

The service of the worker may be terminated at the end of the twelfth week of the sick leave if it has been proved by a report’ issued by the competent physician that the worker is unable to resume his work at that time.

If the worker resigns from work because of the sickness and with the approval of the competent physician before the end of the six months to which the worker is entitled as a sick leave with pay the employer shall pay to the worker the balance of his entitlement. This provision shall also apply in case of death because of sickness before the end of the said six weeks.

The preceding provisions shall not prejudice the right of the worker to the remuneration to which he may be entitled for the period of his service and taking by the worker of the sick leave for the period of twelve weeks shall not be deemed to constitute an interruption of his continuous service.

Article 83 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave Pilgrimage Vacation for Umrah

The Muslim worker shall be entitled to leave without pay, not exceeding two weeks to fulfill his obligation to go to pilgrimage once during the period of his service.

The employer shall specify the number of the workers who may be granted such leave annually in accordance with the work requirements subject to giving priority to the worker who has been in continuous service for a longer period whenever the circumstances of the work permit.

Article 84 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave Working for other on leave days

The worker shall not, during any of his leaves, work for another employer and if it has been proved to the employer that the worker has contravened this provision he may deprive him of his wage for the period of the leave and recover what he has already paid off that wage.

Article 85 Qatar labour Law Working Hours and Leave and Termination

The employer may not terminate the service contractor notify the worker of the termination thereof during any of his periods of leave provided for in this law.

The employer may not notify the worker of the termination of the contract if the notice period expires during any of such periods of leave.

Credit: Qatar day


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