Hague Convention countries – Countries where Apostilles are used or will soon be used

Countries party to the Apostille Convention can either be Member or Non-member of the Hague Convention.

Below enlisted are Member Countries of Apostille Stamp Hague Convention of 5 October 1961, abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents are (as on 28th July, 2016):

  • Albania is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 9-V-2004.
  • Andorra is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 31-XII-1996.
  • Argentina is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 18-II-1988.
  • Armenia is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-VIII-1994.
  • Australia is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 16-III-1995.
  • Austria is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 13-I-1968.


  • Azerbaijan is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 2-III-2005.
  • Belarus is a member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 31-V-1992.


  • Belgium is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 9-II-1976.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina is a member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 6-III-1992.
  • Brazil is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-VIII-2016.
  • Bulgaria is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 29-IV-2001.
  • Chile is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-VIII-2016.
  • China, People’s Republic of is a member country of the Hague Convention by Continuation and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries .

  • Costa Rica is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-XII-2011.
  • Croatia is a member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 8-X-1991.
  • Cyprus is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-IV-1973.
  • Czech Republic is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 16-III-1999.
  • Denmark is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 29-XII-2006.
  • Ecuador is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 2-IV-2005.
  • Estonia is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-IX-2001.
  • Finland is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 26-VIII-1985.
  • France is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 24-I-1965.
  • Georgia is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-V-2007.
  • Germany is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 13-II-1966.
  • Greece is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 18-V-1985.
  • Hungary is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 18-I-1973.
  • Iceland is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 27-XI-2004.
  • India is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-VII-2005.
  • Ireland is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 9-III-1999.

  • Israel is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-VIII-1978.
  • Italy is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 11-II-1978.
  • Japan is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 27-VII-1970.
  • Korea, Republic of is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-VII-2007.
  • Latvia is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-I-1996.
  • Lithuania is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 19-VII-1997.
  • Luxembourg is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 3-VI-1979.
  • Malta is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 3-III-1968.
  • Mauritius is a member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 12-III-1968.
  • Mexico is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-VIII-1995.
  • Monaco is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 31-XII-2002.
  • Montenegro is a member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 3-VI-2006.
  • Morocco is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-VIII-2016.
  • Netherlands is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 8-X-1965.
  • New Zealand is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 22-XI-2001.
  • Norway is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 29-VII-1983.
  • Panama is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 4-VIII-1991.
  • Paraguay is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-VIII-2014.
  • Peru is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-IX-2010.
  • Poland is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-VIII-2005.
  • Portugal is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 4-II-1969.
  • Republic of Moldova is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 16-III-2007.
  • Romania is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 16-III-2001.
  • Russian Federation is a member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 31-V-1992.
  • Serbia is a member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 27-IV-1992.
  • Slovakia is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 18-II-2002.
  • Slovenia is a member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 25-VI-1991.
  • South Africa is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-IV-1995.
  • Spain is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 25-IX-1978.
  • Suriname is a member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 25-XI-1975.
  • Sweden is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 1-V-1999.
  • Switzerland is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 11-III-1973.
  • The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is a member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 17-XI-1991.
  • Turkey is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 29-IX-1985.
  • Ukraine is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 22-XII-2003.


  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 24-I-1965.


  • United States of America is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 15-X-1981.
  • Uruguay is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-X-2012.
  • Venezuela is a member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 16-III-1999.


Below enlisted are non-member countries of Apostille Hague Convention of 5 October 1961, abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents are (as on 28th July, 2016). Apsotilles also apply in these countries, but these countries are not members of the Hague Convention:

  • Antigua and Barbuda is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 1-XI-1981.
  • Bahamas is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 10-VII-1973.
  • Bahrain is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 31-XII-2013.
  • Barbados is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-XI-1966.
  • Belize is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 11-IV-1993.
  • Botswana is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-IX-1966.


  • Brunei Darussalam is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 3-XII-1987.
  • Burundi is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 13-II-2015.
  • Cape Verde is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 13-II-2010.
  • Colombia is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-I-2001.
  • Cook Islands is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-IV-2005.
  • Dominica is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 3-XI-1978.
  • Dominican Republic is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-VIII-2009.


  • El Salvador is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 31-V-1996.
  • Fiji is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 10-X-1970.
  • Grenada is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 7-IV-2002.
  • Honduras is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-IX-2004.
  • Kazakhstan is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-I-2001.
  • Kosovo is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-VII-2016.
  • Kyrgyzstan is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 31-VII-2011.
  • Lesotho is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 4-X-1966.
  • Liberia is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 8-II-1996.
  • Liechtenstein is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Ratification and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 17-IX-1972.
  • Malawi is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 2-XII-1967.
  • Marshall Islands is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-VIII-1992.
  • Mongolia is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 31-XII-2009.
  • Namibia is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-I-2001.
  • Nicaragua is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-V-2013.
  • Niue is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 2-III-1999.
  • Oman is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-I-2012.
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-XII-1994.
  • Saint Lucia is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 31-VII-2002.
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 27-X-1979.
  • Samoa is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 13-IX-1999.
  • San Marino is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 13-II-1995.
  • Sao Tome and Principe is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 13-IX-2008.
  • Seychelles is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 31-III-1979.
  • Swaziland is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 6-IX-1968.
  • Tajikistan is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 31-X-2015.
  • Tonga is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 4-VI-1970.
  • Trinidad and Tobago is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 14-VII-2000.
  • Uzbekistan is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Accession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 15-IV-2012.
  • Vanuatu is a non-member country of the Hague Convention by Succession and can issue or receive Apostilles with Apostille countries since 30-VII-1980.


Important related links

Apostille Certification services
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Apostille for Education Documents
Apostille Seal Services for a wide range of documents
Apostille Notary Services for a wide range of documents
Non Member states by Accession
Member states by Accession


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